Check out our bibliography tool!
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Upcoming Events:
Summer Institute (check back soon)
Learnics TAP meeting Friday, April 1 @5pm
Administrator view.
You can now share Learnics lessons with your colleagues.
Learnics' new student extension allows for more features: including creating bibliography for MLA & APA citations.
Learnics is now integrated in
Now teachers using the
Teacher Link Chrome extension
can choose Learnics post-assignment questions when creating an assignment.
Teachers now have a common form across all platforms
New Form Video
Summary data now show time spent on research and time spent on an assignment.
Teachers can set research expectations that shows students a visual progress bar only for Google Classroom users.
Teachers have a dashboard which shows students' progress based on expectations set only for Google Classroom users.
Bibliography based on sites logged.
Teacher Dashboard
MLA/APA Bibliography Tool
Student Progress Bar
Now teachers using the
Teacher Link Chrome extension
can choose Learnics post-assignment questions when creating an assignment.
Teachers can see individual student google searches.
Summary data now shows time spent on research and time spent on assignment.
New Teacher Chrome extension allows you to add an assignment to Learnics as you create an assignment in Google Classroom!
Logger now starts automatically when students begin an assignment! See details here:
Logger can turn off logging at any point in the assignment.
When logger is on, a banner appears at the top of the page reminding students that they are logging.
Download student comparison data.
New in-assignment questions!
Check out the changes here
Find Out More
Learnics helps make the invisible research process visible. Providing an opportunity for learners, teachers, and administrators to truly go beyond the product and illuminate the process.
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