By Jessica Sain and Emily Williams
December 9, 2022

                                             What should students see in their data?

When your students stop logging for their assignment, the benefit of using Learnics is just beginning. Students receive their own dashboard that allows them to access Assignment Data, revisit Assignment Details, complete Post-Assignment Questions, and Create a Bibliography. Within the Assignment Data, students receive visualizations to help with self-reflection. In the table below, view each of the student visualizations and find ways to help students use these to fine-tune their research skills.

Progress Toward Expectations

Encourage students to check their progress in three areas:

  • Editing Google Docs if you created the assignment within one
  • Recommended URLs, or sites selected by you
  • External URLs, or sites they visited on their own
Benefit: Having students evaluate their total time and proportion of time in each activity promotes self-management as they ensure they are using their time effectively and evaluating their sources thoroughly.


Prompt students to analyze their Google searches for:

  • The total number of searches
  • The search terms used
  • How effective searches were at returning useful sites.
Benefit: By allowing students to reflect, share, and compare their search strategy with classmates, they are self-monitoring their research approach.

Site Data

Allow students to reflect on the websites they visited:

  • Identify sites that were useful or distracting
  • Reflect on which sites were an effective use of time
  • View all of the sites visited for an assignment

Benefit: When students reflect on their browsing history and select useful websites, prompt them to share the sites they felt were most useful with their classmates. This allows students to reflect on their own activity, and collaborate with their classmates for additional sources.

Timeline of Sites Visited

Give students the opportunity to revisit their timeline throughout the activity:

  • Break their research process down into individual steps.
  • Identify when they were focused on a source
  • Identify which searches lead to good resources
  • Identify gaps in work time  or other disruptions to working
Benefit: Again, having students assess their timeline and proportion of time on each source promotes self-management as they ensure they are using their time effectively and evaluating their sources thoroughly.

Interested in how to use the data within your Teacher dashboard? Stay tuned for the next blog post titled, “What should I see in my students’ data?

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Learnics helps make the invisible research process visible. Providing an opportunity for learners, teachers, and administrators to truly go beyond the product and illuminate the process.
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