Reading up on any new online software for your classroom, school, or district, you’d be remiss if you did not ponder cybersecurity. How do you know your students’ privacy is protected? Is your privacy protected? Will your school district allow you to download this new application? As a team of former teachers and administrators, we know this is at the front of your mind as you consider using Learnics.
Research on learning analytics in K-12 education is becoming more present and must be separated from the research on learning analytics for higher education due to additional privacy measures for minors (Kovanovic et al., 2021). Across the available research in K-12 learning analytics, privacy is a top concern. In a recent multi-year study with teachers aimed at using learning analytics in the classroom, the most significant finding was the need for transparency in terms of data (Ahn et al., 2021). There is also the issue of what it could do to education down the line if we solely look at learning analytics and ignore the outside variables influencing a student (Beerwinkle, 2021). In summary, learning analytics must be implemented with intention, and teachers need transparency about what data we collect and how we use it.
If you have uncertainty about the data we collect, your questioning proves you are responsible in the digital age. We have a short and sweet outline of our full Privacy Policy below to assure you that your and your students’ confidentiality is maintained while using Learnics.
Ahn, J., Campos, F., Nguyen, H., Hays, M., & Morrison, J. (2021). Co-designing for privacy, transparency, and trust in K-12 learning analytics. In K-12 Learning Analytics. In LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 55–65.
Beerwinkle, A. L. (2021). The use of learning analytics and the potential risk of harm for K-12 students participating in digital learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, 327-330.
Kovanovic, V., Mazziotti, C., & Lodge, J. (2021). Learning Analytics for Primary and Secondary Schools. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(2), 1-5.